Our Ministry > Our service with the Lord.
In the early 2000s, the Lord entrusted to Emmanuel a mission: “Make use of modern methods of communication to expose people to the Gospel (win them to Christ, build them up in the Christian faith), mobilize the Church in prayer for the nation, equip the Church to contribute to fulfilling the great commission in his generation using digital strategy.“
In response to that call and to materialize it, he published (in 2001) the first Christian web site in Cameroon (Cameroonforjesus.net), which was also among the few in French-speaking Africa at that time.
In 2009 and 2010, he had at heart, after internet to take over the mobile phone. This is how the BibleSms and PrayerSms services were released and subsequently many others waiting to be developed.
Since year 2000 and every day, through internet and mobile phone, Emmanuel evangelizes; follow-up to those wishing to start a new life with God, answering to many people willing to know more about Jesus and the Christian faith; help those in search of spirituality over the internet; mobilize Christians in prayer for the Church and the nation; train the Church to seize the potential of the digital strategy to accomplish the great commission in order to rush the coming back of the Lord, as we know that, “…this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.“Mat.24v14
Given that we (Adeline and I) work with God and for God, we know he has the power to strengthen us in this missionary work in which we are involved and which as a full-time work, requires a lot of commitment and availability to be efficient and effective.
We carry out this work through the following means:
▶ Cameroonforjesus.net: Cameroon Christian web portal, created in 2001. It was in his time the first general Christian web site in Cameroon and one of the few in French-speaking Africa;
▶ BibleSms.net: First bible based text message service dedicated to spread God’s word to mobile phone users in Cameroon. Launched in 2009 in partnership with MTN Cameroon;
▶ PrayerSms.com: First text messaging prayer movement for the nation. Launched in 2011 with thousands subscribers around the world;
▶ “TryGodNow.com“: An interactive journey to discover God’s love, forgiveness and salvation plan for mankind. Development in process;
▶ Knowledge of Islam and of its prophet: To Know Islam and his prophet in order to make it known to them to the Muslims with the purpose of leading them to the salvation through Jesus Christ, teaching Islam to Christians for an intentional evangelism among Muslims;
▶ TryGodNow cards: Personal witnessing tool to share the gospel and advertise the web site;
▶ Outreach in partnership with churches in their evangelistic campaign, combining digital strategies and local action through these churches.
We also work (or have worked) with organizations such as Global Media Outreach, Campus Crusade Cameroon, TopChretien.com, PowerToChange, Etc.
Outside of evangelism, Emmanuel also use the technology to develop and deploy other projects.
To be able to continue our mission and carry out the vision, we would like to find people willing to become our mission partners by supporting us regularly.
Become partner with us in this extraordinary adventure so that together we may share the gospel all over the internet. Join our partners’ team if you are not yet part of them or encourage others to become partners with us. Remember Romans 10v10-15.
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